We successfully extended our Quality system management certificate according to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard for delivery and assembly of technological units.
The environment is an important topic for us. All processes taking place on our company’s premises place emphasis on maintaining and improving the quality of the environment and we adhere to the provisions of standard ISO 14000. For several years now, the company has had a combined performance contract concluded with the EKO-KOM Company, under client number F00110762, whereby it assures take-back and utilisation of packaging waste in accordance with Section 13, paragraph 1, letter c) of the Packaging Act.
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We are fully aware of the pitfalls of modern technology and the risk in relationships with 3rd parties. Therefore we decided to go through the certification in this field to make sure that our processes are set correctly. We are glad that we successfully reached the over-average score in the CyberVadis audit. We obtained 770 points which is over the benchmark score of 640 points, putting us in the developed companies category.